Seattle City Nutcracker Information 2021
Throughout the year there are multiple performance opportunities for our dancers at DASSdance to participate in. Seattle City Nutcracker is our first full school production of the year. All dancers in Creative 2, Levels 1 - 6, Boys, Hip Hop and Acro classes are invited to participate.
This contemporary version of the classic Nutcracker story is set in Seattle, and has both local flair and imaginative, captivating dancing. A performance filled with unexpected delights like a flying LED lit Mechanical Doll, a black light AI Robot Battle scene, a slippery snow scene complete with figure skaters (on Heelys), and a land of the sweets that travels across the globe from Qatar to Ukraine, India to China.
Seattle City Nutcracker performances will be held on Sunday, December 12th, 2021 at Broadway Performance Hall with full covid safety precautions in place including:
Limited audience seating with social distancing between parties
Upgraded facility air quality that meets or exceeds safety standards
Proof of vaccination or proof of negative covid test within 72hrs of the performance
Masks required at all times in the facility
If you have any questions or concerns about the safety of this event please reach out and I would be happy to provide additional information.
Participation in the Seattle City Nutcracker is optional but strongly encouraged. It is a great opportunity for dancers to experience the full excitement and joy of participating in the performing arts.
Please email by October 1st if you will be opting out of the performance. If we do not receive an opt-out email from you we will assume your dancer is participating and your dancer will be given a role and participation and costume fees will be assessed.
Participation & Costume Fees
Families participating in Seattle City Nutcracker will be assessed a non-refundable production & costume fee that helps cover costs associated with the production.
The participation fee is $100 per dancer. If families have more than one dancer participating in the production we have a multi-student family discount of $75 for each additional dancer.
Costume fees are an additional $50 per dancer ($25 for Creative 2 students) to help us cover the cost of costuming the show.
Participation & Costume Fees are due on October 10th. Please contact me if you need to schedule a payment arrangement. All fees will be posted and deducted from the card on file on October 10th unless we receive non-participation notice from your family
Auditions & Rehearsals
Auditions for upper-level dancers (level 3 - 6) will be held the week of September 20th during scheduled rehearsal times. Find the Level 3 - 6 rehearsal schedule here
Casting will be shared via email and on the school bulletin board on October 1st, 2021.
Creative 2, Hip Hop, Acro and Level 1 & 2 classes will begin rehearsals during their regular class time beginning the week of October 4th.
Volunteer Support
Volunteer support is crucial for the success of all productions. Volunteer sign-ups will be sent out in October. All families will be expected to fill at least two volunteer positions in order for our show to run smoothly. Families who do not volunteer can pay an additional $100 Volunteer Fee to have their shift covered by staff.
October 10th | Production and Costume Fees Due
December 6th - 11th | Tech Week (All classes and rehearsals are mandatory for dancers performing. Please make sure your dancer will be able to attend all classes and rehearsals for this week.)
December 4th or 5th | Dress Rehearsal (Time and Date TBD)
December 12th | Tech Rehearsal & Performances
Thank you for reading through all this information thoroughly. It is our goal to have exceptional communication so there are no surprises throughout the performance process. It is a lot of information especially for new families, so please contact me with any questions you might have.